We have chanced upon a report that suggests that quite an overwhelming number of Ghanaians are illiterates.What this means is that these people are not able to read and write with understanding in any language.
The number is around 7.9 million and this was made known by the Ghana Statistical Service in their 2021 Population and Housing Census.
Ghana has recorded five post-independent population censuses in 1960, 1970, 1984, 2000, and 2010 with the last two consisting of both a population census and a housing census making the 2021 PHC the third Population and Housing Census to be conducted in Ghana.
The 2021 PHC is designed to generate statistics that are essential for policy and planning purposes. It is therefore of the greatest importance to every person living in Ghana.
The census information will be used for only statistical purposes and is not to be used for identifying people for taxation or punitive purposes.
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