I bring you greetings from the office of Dr. Hassan Ayariga and the APC leadership. It’s now a reality to believe the saying that, ‘lack of leadership my people perish” Ghana is in crisis and Fellow Ghanaians are suffering.
The economic situation in Ghana is becoming unbearable by the day. Prices of foodstuffs and services keep skyrocketing and salaries of workers are still the same. Fuel prices keep increasing every other week while jobs are diminishing every second.
The youth are crying and some are committing sucide, the fathers are having sleepless nights, the mothers are bitter every minute, the churches are singing hallelujah, the politicians are changing Ghana Cedis to Dollars every minute and stocking it. The dollar is running whilst the Cedi is sleeping and the government of the day is campaigning in the five northern regions for a re-election in 2024.
Dr. Bawumia, please i want to ask you a question. What happened to the fundamental of the Ghanaian economy ? Ghanaian businessmen and women are becoming poorer as compared to their counterparts in the world due to the mismanagement of the economy and the depreciation of the Ghanaian Cedis. I hope you will understand my economic term above.
By the close of the year the dollar will be Gh15:00 to US$1:00.
Inflation is very high. !!!
foodstuffs are very high. !!!
fuel prices are very high. !!!!
Rent is very High. !!!!
Transportation is very High !!!!
Electricity is very High. !!!!
Water is very high !!!
Everything is very High !!!!
Funny enough, now everyone has embraced the culture of silence. Come on Mr. President fellow Ghanaians are suffering!!!
Mr. President you and your ministers have met your expectations and not the ordinary Ghanaian expectations. Turn around and look at Ghana very well and you will weep. Which of your institutions is performing well, l am not asking for very well, but just well, Which one?
Laws are broken with impunity and no one cares, corruption every where, abuse of power and indiscipline by people in Government.
The plain truth is that the government has messed up the economy.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create easy times
Easy times create weak men
Weak men create difficult times
Difficult times create parasites
But what we need now is to create strong institutions and visionary leaders to build mother Ghana. Mr. President where are your men?
Ghanaians have now witnessed the leadership of NDC and NPP. The way forward now is APC and Dr. Hassan Ayariga for 2024. Let’s commit our vote for a change
God Bless our home land Ghana
Thank you
Dr. Hassan Ayariga
Leader/Founder APC
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