Freda, the ex-wife of Actor Big Akwes, recently opened up about her biggest regret in life. In a video shared online, she expressed that marrying Big Akwes is her most significant regret.
Freda mentioned that if she could turn back time, she would never make the mistake of marrying Big Akwes.
She revealed that before their wedding, she believed Big Akwes was a smart and family-oriented man.
However, after marriage, she discovered he was far from what she had expected.
In her own words, Freda stated, “When someone asked me about my biggest regret in life, I said it was allowing Big Akwes to put a ring on my finger. I deeply regret it, and if I were to live another lifetime, I would never marry him again.”
The couple tied the knot in a private ceremony in Kumasi in August 2023 but divorced just a few months later due to marital issues.
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