Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton. Unexpected unintentional injury may cause serious bodily and financial harm at any time and in any location. The nature of the level of life to which you were previously used may be substantially impacted by permanent disability or impairment as a consequence of injuries received in an accident.
If anything like this occurs to you, you’ll need skilled legal counsel who will compassionately guide you through the process of obtaining all of the compensation you’re entitled to as a result of your accident.
At the Law Office of John B. Jackson, a skilled and successful Carrollton personal injury lawyer awaits your arrival, ready to utilize their significant legal knowledge to get justice and reparation for your unintentional injuries.
Through our mission to offer top legal knowledge and our dedication to seeking justice for the wounded, we have supported clients in securing millions in personal injury reparation. As a consequence of a personal accident, neither your financial condition nor your personal health should be jeopardized. We can help you restore your health and financial stability if you contact our Georgia personal injury attorneys as soon as an accident happens.
Type of Cases Their Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton Handle
Accidental injury caused by someone else’s laxity is, unfortunately, an everyday occurrence in the United States, often culminating in shattering damage and ruination. The Law Office of John B. Jackson will ardently deliver experienced legal counsel sympathetic to the client for the subsequent types of accidents:
Car and Truck Accidents
In the year 2014, upwards of 2.3 million individuals sustained injuries in a car or truck accident in the United States, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Due to the effects of the inattentive behaviors of other drivers on the road, the majority of accidental deaths and injuries are caused by motor vehicle crashes.
Some of the most frequently occurring behaviors, listed herein, are the causes of motor vehicle accidents according to the NHTSA:
- Driving after the use of drugs or alcohol is sustained as one of the main reasons that accidents and fatalities occur, regardless of more rigid laws, more strident penalties, and increased work of the police forces.
- Driving over the speed limit and other overtly aggressive behaviors such as ignoring traffic signals, weaving lanes, and following too closely are the causes of greater than a quarter of all motor vehicle accidents, precipitating upwards of $52 billion annually in economic damages.
- As stated by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA), one of the most prevalent types of distracted driving behavior is texting or talking on a cellphone, in addition to conversation with other passengers, changing radio stations, or programming navigation systems. There is no law in Georgia currently advising punitive action for talking on cellphones while driving; however, texting while driving is illegal.
- Drowsy driving is a rising unhealthy practice today as more individuals are forced to spend more time at work with less time dedicated to resting and recuperation. Close to 40,000 accidental injuries yearly are thought to be caused by falling asleep while driving or driving while drowsy.
Carrollton car accident lawyer & truck accident lawyers
Carrollton car accident lawyer & truck accident lawyers know that even a seemingly innocuous vehicle accident could have grievous and far-reaching effects. Muscle sprains and strains, serious bone fractures, cuts and abrasions, and back, neck, or head injuries are commonplace to individuals who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Despite the pleasant year-round climate, there are some real elements of danger on the road and that is something our team of experienced accident injury attorneys for car, motorcycle and bicycle accidents know. Records from the Georgia Department of Transportation report that roughly a thousand bicycle accidents occur each year in the state of Georgia. Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton
In addition, the Georgia Department of Highway Safety one hundred and fifty people die in motorcycle accidents annually. Accidents like these are often the result of a driver that has not yielded to a cyclist, driven while intoxicated or any other manner considered to be reckless, or not obeyed traffic rules and road regulations.
The most common bodily harm to occur in these accidents is as follows:
- Lacerations or other tearing of skin;
- Sprains and strains, as well as torn muscles and/or tendons;
- Fracturing of bones;
- Injuries to the neck, head, or brain;
- Back injuries or injuries to the spine resulting in paralysis.
Dog Bite Injury Attorney
Records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that every year dog bites are the cause of nearly 4.5 million injuries. Although there are situations that will lead a friendly dog to attack, our experienced Carrollton personal injury lawyer knows that a lot of the injuries that do occur are the result of negligent and reckless ownership. Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton
Irresponsible owners let their dog out of the house without a leash allowing serious injuries to occur, despite laws requiring people to have their dogs restrained at a controllable distance.
The most common injuries associated with dog attacks and dog bites are as follows:
- Tears to the flesh or cuts and lacerations;
- Punctures to the flesh;
- Torn tendons and/or muscles;
- Infections from bites carrying bacteria and/or diseases; and
- Trauma and mental strain from the stress of the attack.
- Premises Liability Cases
The most common type of personal injury case, a premises liability case is one where the property owner is seen as being accountable for injuries. People that have been injured in these premises liability case are often considered to be the one responsible for their injuries due to their own carelessness; although, experienced premises liability personal injury attorneys know that in many cases it is the property owner that is responsible for the damages and should answer for the injuries of the victim.
The following are the most commonly sustained unintentional injuries, according to the statistics compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Injuries from food poisoning;
- Injuries from lacerations;
- The Injuries from a slip or a fall;
- Injuries occurring from an individual being struck by something or struck against something.
man holding his neck in pain
These accidents can perpetuate severe situations with injuries that are slow to heal, if ever fully healed, like neck and head injuries, injuries to bones, and spinal cord issues. Injuries like these mentioned mostly happen as the result of slippery floors, poor lighting, walkways that are not even, construction areas, and by food that has not been handled in the required way. Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton
Product Liability Cases Lawyers
Compensation for product liability damages could be awarded to you for injuries you sustained at the fault of the manufacturer, distributor, owner, designer, or seller. One trillion dollars of damages occur yearly due to faulty or defective products according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The CPSC holds a huge database of products that are a potential threat to the public and have been recalled, like the following:
- Electrical items;
- Furnishings for the home and appliances;
- Forms of transportation like cars, motorcycles, and bicycles
- Toys, clothing, and furnishings for children; and
- Recreational equipment such as pools and spas.
Their product liability lawyers know that fractured bones, burns, poisonings, hazards of choking, serious lacerations as well as potential property damage can occur as a result of equipment and products that are defective.
Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Nearly 1,000 deaths occur every day in the United States as a result of medical malpractice according to the Senate hearings on the quality of healthcare in the U.S. Personal Injury Lawyers at Carrolton
These medical malpractice deaths have risen to claim the number three spot in leading cause of death in America and has resulted in an outcry of public concern increasing standards of safety. Our attorneys in Carrolton, GA will help you to recover the losses you suffered for medical malpractice, also including the following:
- Infections associated with healthcare;
- Potentially fatal conditions as a result of delays in diagnosing;
- Errors in surgery or anesthesia, including wrong procedure, wrong site, or wrong patient;
- Medical errors concerning prescription drugs;
- Abuse in nursing homes; and
- Malfunctioning or defective medical equipment.
Any of the above can threaten the lives and overall well-being of patients, and doctors, surgeons, hospitals, and other medical providers can be held liable for the damages their mistakes and errors result in.
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