Questions Men Should Not Ask Women –read more
We must contend with the pressure to achieve goals at a specific age and live up to societal standards in many aspects of our lives.
We are constantly under pressure to organize our lives, including our careers and families since we are constantly reminded that our biological clock is ticking.
Managing these tensions is not a simple task. When we are questioned about particular aspects of our lives regularly, it gets tiresome and hurtful.
These are a few of the inquiries.
Why Did You Break Up?
Do not meddle in someone else’s affairs if they are not at ease enough to tell you what transpired in their relationship.
It’s impolite and hurtful. They have a justification for keeping it a secret from you. They may be living with loss, and/or rage and don’t need to be reminded of their suffering.
Let’s be considerate of others’ boundaries and satisfied with the information they provide.
Without continually being questioned about their single status, people want to get on with their lives.
Your weight has increased; what are you eating?
I’ve never known why women are so obsessed with other women’s bodies. Of course, this is a rhetorical question, but if someone has gained weight, I think they are well aware of it and don’t need a reminder.
After a while, someone will come across you and inquire as to what size you are now wearing. Some people will even go so far as to inquire about your ability to finish the food on your plate and even make recommendations about increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.
Unless they specifically inquire about weight gain. Losing weight, is it? When you have lost weight as a result of a medical issue, this hurts more.
How many people have you slept with?
Nobody deserves to be asked this question, in my opinion.
It offends me, is inappropriate, and is unnecessary. It appears that most people use this to determine your worth.
If you say 100, I assume the guy on a date will swallow a fork or flee for his life.
Body count should not be used to predict whether or not a person will be able to commit to one person.
If a man is genuinely interested in a woman, he should not be concerned about her history or the number of men she has previously dated.
Someone said that they shouldn’t be asked for their body count because they lost track. So, whether 1 or 200, a woman is more than her body count.
When Are You Getting Children?
You may ask this question out of concern and care, but the receiver may not appreciate it.
Getting pregnant may appear to be a simple task, but for some women, it is not. Some people are unable to have children as a result of a medical condition or infertility.
Those who have tried and failed to conceive for a long time.
Those who choose not to have children and those who are not ready, perhaps because they want to focus on their career or are uncertain about the timing.
This is a delicate subject that should be handled with care, especially if you are speaking with someone whose life you are unfamiliar with.
Don’t take it for granted that everyone has it easy or that everyone adores children. Inquiring about someone’s plans to have another child is intrusive.
You may end up hurting them, especially if you are unaware that they have lost a baby.
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