Seven (7) Health Benefits Of Okra
1• It boosts the immune system
2• It helps control cholesterol levels
3• It’s cancer fighting
Okro contains a type of protein called lectin, which may inhibit the growth of human cancer cells.
4• It stabilizes blood sugar levels
Okro’s fiber content is also responsible for slowing down the rate of sugar absorption in the digestive tract.
5• It supports ulcer healing
Okro coats the digestive tract when consumed and helps speed the healing of peptic ulcers.
6• It’s good for eye health
Okro’s nutrients like vitamins C and A have been linked to a reduction in the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration
7• it supports fertility and healthy pregnancy
High amount of folates in okro are important in a pre-conception diet as it “decreases the incidence of neural tube defects in offspring“.
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