The Tema Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service has called for attitudinal change on the road to reduce accidents, “most road accidents are purely human-induced acts”.
The MTTD has observed total carelessness on the road, people drive or cross the road without any sense of responsibility, “we cannot continue to use the road without adhering to road safety regulations, this must stop,” Sergeant Richard Timinka stated at the Ghana News Agency, Tema Regional Office and MTTD road safety campaign platform.
The GNA-Tema and MTTD Road Safety Project seek to actively create consistent and systematic weekly awareness advocacy on the need to be cautious on the road as a user, educate all road users of their respective responsibilities, and sensitize drivers, especially on the tenets of road safety regulations, rules, and laws.
Sgt. Timinka also cited motorbike riders as a major nuisance on the road even though they are equally road users and have equal rights, some ride with careless impunity “it is an offense for motorbike riders to ride in the middle of the road, riders are supposed to follow the flow of traffic” as gathered by the Communication for Development and Advocacy Consult (CDA Consult) in Tema.
He noted that research shows that even though riders are indiscipline and fail to obey traffic regulations and other forms of road safety, vehicles are killing them at an alarming rate, “as some drivers fail to tolerate riders as legal road users and often want to push them off-the-road resulting in fatalities”.
He also expressed concern about the attitude of some drivers towards riders who obey the rules and move ahead in the traffic; the drivers would shout and rain insults at the rider who is rather doing the right thing until he is forced off the road.
Sgt. Timinka said riders are not supposed to ride at the edge of the road and in other circumstances they put their lives in danger by riding in between the lanes which are also killing them.
Mr. Francis Ameyibor, GNA Tema Regional Manager called for tolerance on the road, noting that “some drivers ply the road as if they are on a suicide mission, speeding, unnecessary maneuvering from one lane to the other without giving others a signal”.
He attributed the increasing road fatalities to, “suicide drivers and suicide pedestrians,” who put their lives and that of other road users at risk – they drive to either the morgue or to the accident wards through the operating theater”.
“We must abort all suicide missions on the road as a driver or pedestrian, let us all join the campaign to educate all road users to tolerate other users, passengers also have a responsibility to check speeding commercial drivers,” Mr. Ameyibor noted.
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