The inferno started around 9:00am on Monday, July 5, 2021, in one of the shops in the building near the Makola Market Complex and spread to other structures.
Fire service found it difficult to douse flames as their pressure pipes couldn’t reach the topmost part of the three-storey building
Fire service personnel work tirelessly to douse flames that engulfed a three-storey building at Makola | Photo credit: Gershon Mortey
The building, known as Hong Kong, opposite the Makola Shopping Mall Complex, comprises shops occupied by traders who deal in hair and cosmetic products.
Property razed down by fire at Makola near GCB bank | Photo credit: Gershon Mortey
Photo shows moments before fire blazed in some parts of the three-storey building | Photo credit: Gershon Mortey Baah
Goods including lace fabrics, cosmetics and wigs were destroyed in the blaze.
Three-storey building up in flames at Makola, Accra | Photo credit: Gershon Mortey
According to witnesses, when the fire started, they called on the fire service station that is situated a few meters away but they couldn’t get to the location on time.